Czechia 2024 - Finance and Fundraising
The trip is expected to a total of cost £900.
Unfortunately, it's hard to be exact currently as it's not possible to confirm flight costs until nearer the time, and as we're working in 3 currencies (£, $ and CZK) any fluctuation there will impact our costs.
Therefore, we're working on what we hope is an upper limit with accommodation being made for the potential variables.
Given the costs, were splitting this into 2.
Firstly, we're asking for £650 per person to cover the flights, accommodation, food and in country travel costs. We are then asking each participant to fund raise a target amount of £250 to put towards activities while we are there.
Initial Deposit
The initial deposit of £40 per person has been received and processed now. Our initial deposit to Jeka has been paid.
Payment Schedule
After the initial deposit, the remaining £610 of direct payments will need to be paid to a schedule to allow us to book the various aspects of the trip throughout the year.
In order to support the purchase of the items we need to have in place, including flights and further payment to Jeka for our accommodation and food arrangements we need to collect the remaining funds to a schedule.
Incremental Payments are due to the following schedule:
Initial Deposit | 30/09/2023 | £40 |
Christmas | 31/12/2023 | £210 |
Easter | 31/03/2024 | £200 |
June | 30/06/2024 | £200 |
The initial deposit was received with thanks and has been used to formally confirm our booking with Jeka.
The next payment is required in order to support the procurement of flights which is our next main priority in terms of payment.
Fundraising the additional funds
As well as the £650 price we need to raise £250 per person to provide additional funds we can use to add activities to the trip and make it as good as we can.
The leaders from Royton Explorers, 1st Royton Scouts, 6th Chadderton Scouts and 3rd Shaw scouts are working on a number of fundraising events to help start this process off.
We are currently planning the following events:
Title | Date | Location |
Family Friendly Quiz | 02/02/2024 | Royton Cricket Club |
Race Night | 15/03/2024 | Royton Cricket Club |
Sponsored Abseil | 06/04/2024 | TBC |
Serious Quiz | 18/05/2024 | Royton Cricket Club |
The funds raised from these events will be used towards the fundraising targets for those young people who supported the event. Details of exactly how young people can support each event will be published as soon as we can.
We hope that these events will provide a good starting point for fund raising, but more will be needed, and it is your responsibility to ensure that your child raises the funds needed.
Finance Terms
All funds deposited are non-refundable unless the place can be transferred successfully to a new participant and the whole costs covered by them.
If, upon returning from Czechia, any fund's remain the following will occur.
If the remaining funds total more than £10.00 per person (once divided by the entire contingent), they will be split evenly and returned. If the fund's left total less than £10.00 per person, they will be split by section and given to the scout/explorer section to fund activities and events locally.
We know that this is a lot of money!
And we fully appreciate that this is going to be quite a daunting task for many. As such, there may be things we can do to support some individuals financially to allow them to join. We do not wish for anyone to not be able to attend because of their financial status.
If you feel that this applies to you, please reach out to us directly for a confidential conversation.
You can contact us around this specifically at
This email address is only accessible by the leaders of Royton Explorer Scouts and any conversations around this will be held in confidence.
If you are unsure of any of the items in this page or wish to discuss anything related to finance please reach out to us directly to discuss. You can contact us around this specifically at