August saw us head up to the Lake District for our annual weeks summer camp, and don't let the picture above fool you, at times it was wet, wet, wet! We don't let a bit of water stop us however, flexible plans and Paddy constantly saying, 'there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong equipment' meant we still got out and about and achieved lots and lots.
We arrived just after lunch on the Saturday in pouring rain, quickly threw up a small event shelter so the gear didn't get drenched and then hung around waiting for the rain to stop, it didn't! So after everyone had arrived we set too, setting up camp in the rain, as soon as the last tent was up, out came the sun and the picture above of our site could be taken! The main thing on the Saturday was setting up camp, moving in and celebrating Adam's 16th birthday - with cake obviously!
Sunday was a chilled morning and a high adrenaline afternoon. We don't often use the activities at Scout sites as most of the Explorers have done them many times before in Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and the Lake District is one big natural playground anyway, but since we were there for a week, we decided to give some a go. First up, Jacobs Ladder, a giant ladder, completed in pairs which helped foster a bit of team work, both in terms of getting up the thing and belaying each other on the safety ropes.
Then a quick dash down to the Leap of Faith for a bit of fun jumping off things!
We even remembered to take a video on this one, but don't get used to videos, I think this is the only one we managed to remember to take, the TicTok generation were apparently to busy enjoying themselves to be bothered with social media.
Monday was a wet one! We had hoped to do a few big abseils, however rain definitely stopped play with that, so what do you do when the weather above ground is awful? Head below ground. We started with a pleasant low level walk from Hodge Close to Cathedral Caverns where we had a bit of a scramble and some time exploring the tunnels, before a pleasant wander back to Hodge Close and a quick stop in Ambleside for Ice Cream in the rain.
Tuesday - the rain stopped! So off up to the North Lakes for a mountain day, and one of the Lakes best mountains Blencathra via Halls Fell Ridge. We tend to start our mountains as one group, and as we start going upwards it is usually fairly quickly obvious who are the mountain goats and who are out for a leisurely stroll, and we can accommodate both! Paddy went on with the 5 mountain goats, and as well as Halls Fell Ridge managed to go and do a quick lap of Sharpe Edge, whilst Jon stayed with the group taking things at a more leisurely pace. Our timings were impeccable and the Sharpe Edge group got back to the top of Blencathra just in time to meet the other group who had just finished lunch at the top. Two of them even manged to fit in a bit of modelling work for a well known (to us at least) leisure wear brand!
After the exertions of Tuesday, Wednesday was a little more relaxed, a lazy morning followed by an afternoon of climbing at the crag. And still no rain!
And so to Thursday, still no rain and, if your in the Lake District, you might as well go and have a play about on a Lake! Off to Fell Foot at the base of Windermere to have several hours on double kayaks. We spent a bit of time getting to grips with them on Windermere, including a few races and then off down the River Leven towards Newby Bridge, we even managed to find time to fit in a game of Kayak Quidditch, yes really - who know that was a thing? And of course, how do you finish a session on the water - jump in of course! Unfortunately not many photos of the session as I'm not keen on risking dropping my phone in the water!
On to Friday and our last full day. The weather was still holding out, so why not go and get wet again, we split into two groups to go for a little scramble, swim and pool jumping at Stickle Ghyll.
The rain held off until we got back to camp - and then it started again - heavily! Over night it poured down, turning the campsite into a mud bath, and we were expecting to end the camp as we started it, battling with tents in the rain. The weather however, was kind and it stopped raining just as we were about to start packing up on the Saturday morning. It did mean however that everything went away wet and we were slipping and sliding all over the place. Despite that, this amazing group of young people just set too and got done what needed to get done without a complaint.
So all in all, another fantastic week with an incredible group of young people. They never fail to entertain and amuse, but more importantly amaze us with their care and compassion for each other, ability to cope with what ever is thrown at them (and the weather certainly threw lots at them!), their thoughtfulness about so many things and their eagerness to make the most out of all the opportunities offered to them. What an awesome group of people!
Final note, last year I ended the summer camp bog by saying next year - The Brecon Beacons. You may have noticed that the Lake District is not the Brecon Beacons! Unfortunately getting a week in South Wales sorted was beyond the leaders, mainly due to a lack of an appropriate camp site, so we've set ourselves a slightly easier challenge for next year - a week in Czechia!
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